Introduction to Homeopathy
Homoeopathy is a distinct medical speciality being practiced across the world. Ancient medical wisdom as well as Hippocratic writings speaks of two diverse principles of treating diseases. One is Contraria Contrariis Curantur (Latin) which means opposites are cured by opposites. This principle teaches to treat disease by using remedies that produce opposite effects. The Other principle is the Similia Similibus Curantur (Latin), which means let similar things take care of similar things. Hippocrates was known to have said, “Through the like, disease is produced and through the application of the like it is cured”.
The word “Homoeopathy is derived from two Greek words homoios (similar) and pathos (suffering). This means in Homoeopathy natural diseases are treated with substances that produce effects similar to the suffering. The key principle of this medical approach is similia similibus curentur. Homoeopaths generally refer this as Like be treated with likes.
The system was founded by a German physician Dr. Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann (10th April, 1755 – 2nd July, 1843). The main principle of Homoeopathy is similia. Another principle, namely, Individualisation speaks of holistic approach in health, disease and treatment by taking into consideration the sick individual at physical, mental, social and spiritual levels. This concept is now emerging even in biomedicine as personalized medicine (theranostics) as an important factor of diagnostics and therapy of long-term diseases. The concept of prescribing medicines having exceedingly low quantity of original medicinal substances is called theory of minimum dose. This is emerging as Nano pharmacology. Another major contribution of Hahnemann is his teaching on using only those medicines whose therapeutic efficacy has been verified on human beings safely. He named this as Drug Proving. This is gaining wider acceptability in the scientific fraternity and is now called Human Pathogenitic Trail (HPT). Thus, the scientific validity of the principles postulated by Hahnemann in early 18th century are getting validation with the advancement of science Therefore, it is said that Hahnemann was ahead of his time in terms of knowledge and wisdom.
Homoeopathic remedies are used by the public for viral diseases, different forms of allergic condition, skin disorders, behavioral problems and several chronic long-term diseases. Its strengh also lies in its effectiveness on certain clinical conditions for which there is less treatment in other medical systems. This medicine is used as a standalone treatment for various women and children diseases, hormonal disorders, pain and palliative care, infertility and so on. Similarly, it is used as an adjunct / adjuvant in Cancer, COPD, Diabetes and its complications. Homoeopathic medicines are used on a unique concept of Genus epidemicus in preventive care. The Strength of Homoeopathy is promotive health its constitutional and anti-miasmatic approach.
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